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Living at Gracie's looks a little different than it looks like living in the States. Take, for instance, bucket showering. This is new to me. They don't have showers so we fill up two small buckets of water and use one for washing and one for rinsing. When your head is upside down in that tub of water on the ground you kind of can't help but think that this might be a low point. Ha, just kidding. To be fair it really isn't that bad, it's super quick, and conserves a lot of water!

So we have all been bucket showering for about a week until yesterday, late afternoon. We were all done with construction for the day when the sky opened up and let loose a torrential downpour. I have never seen rain like that before. So our dorm room of girls decide to go out in our nasty construction clothes and shower in the rain! We're all screaming and laughing and lathering and rinsing in the middle of this rainstorm and something comes to me.

This is God's love.

I've been learning to listen and learning to hear God's voice and I realized in that moment that the line in the verse in Hosea 6:3 that says, "He will come to us as the showers" is so true in that situation. Just like clouds poured fourth the rain in an instant, God wants to unleash His power, His love, all of Himself on us like that. He isn't secretive and hiding himself away…he wants to let all of his love out just like the rainstorm. We are dry bones without God and he is the well of living water. The rain was covering us and washing over us and God wants to do the same thing! He wants to consume me with all of Himself with no borders. I just have to lift up my face and let him. I have to allow him to unleash His power by listening. Seeking His face, being still, and listening.

It's about surrendering and letting ourselves get drenched.


Loving making memories here and being able to share them with all of you at home. Thanks for all the prayers and love!

6 responses to “Today, I Showered in a Rainstorm”

  1. Meredith! This is so awesome! I have been thinking and praying for you every single day. I love reading about your experiences and all that God is teaching you. What memories you are making and better still what great lessons you are learning! I can’t imagine bucket showering. 🙂 Love you and praying for you all the time.

  2. Meredith. We are also friends with Gracie and Lee. I have made 9 trips to Honduras from Canada, where we live, leading teams, like the one you were on. I have personally experienced what you are talking about. One of my “aha” moments was showering in a 100 ft. waterfall. God often has to take me to unusual places, in unusual circumstances to get His message through to me. Thank you for your sacrifice to serve Him.

  3. Ahhhh this makes me so happy cause I can literally hear your laughter:) miss you and love you!!!

  4. Meredith,

    I love you so much and am so blessed just by reading your posts. Praying for you to continue on this journey of faith. You are the hands and feet of Jesus. So thankful you have been placed at Gracie’s house, it is with purpose!

  5. Meredith,
    Every one of your posts bring me overwhelming joy, but this one is so amazing. I remember one time in elementary school, there was a huge storm and we decided to play in it. Every time there was lightening or thunder, we screamed and ran into your garage, but every time we went right back out. I can picture you, and that beautiful, nothing held back smile and, as much as it makes me miss you, my heart is full in knowing that you are right where God wants you. I love you, Meredith Jean. Know this: your work isn’t just affecting people there. Your influence at home is unreal through this. Praying constantly, gorgeous.

  6. Love your heart and hunger for hearing the Lord’s voice for yourself, and love the way He’s speaking to you!